Joanne Burns
Tim Carter
Assistant Governor
Rotary Animation
We meet unless notification of the meeting being cancelled is given and which will be shown here
Mailing address:
New Market Rotary Club,
P.O.Box 411,
New Market,
VA 22844
New Market Rotary Club, New Market, Virginia
To view the entire page, drag down with your mouse
New Market Rotary Club was chartered officially on April 17, 1927, the club being sponsored by the Woodstock Rotary Club.
Donations 2013/2014
Fiscal Year July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
American Cancer
Free Clinic
Reading with the Rebels
Shelter Box
Polio Plus (in addition to quarterly contributions by members not reflected here)
Rotary Youth Leadership
SJHS After the Prom
Disabled Children Christmas Party
Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry for Thanksgiving and Christmas ($2500 grant from Rotary District 7570)
Ashby Lee Elem School Speech Pathology
New Market Fire and Rescue
Stonewall Jackson Interact Club
New Market Library
Ashby Lee Elem Watchdog Program
Boy Scouts of America
Golf Sponsor/Shenandoah Valley Music Festival
Wounded Warriors
Shenandoah Valley Academy Music Department
North Fork Middle School 8th Grade Banquet
Scholarship to Student
Total as of March 23, 2014
Donations 2012 - 2013
Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013
Library E-Book Project
Wheel Chair Project (11 chairs donated by members)
SJHS Swim Team
Handicapped Children Christmas Party
Thanksgiving Basket food Vouchers
Shenandoah Valley Teen Challenge
Stonewall Jackson After the Prom
Friends of the North Fork -Family Fun Day
Friends of the North Fork-Summer Camp
Oklahoma Tornado Relief
Total to Date