
President Kevin Cannon, 2008/2009

Board Meeting - December 17 at  5.30 pm in Bart Long’s Conference Room



We meet unless notification of the meeting being cancelled is given and which will be shown here


New Market Rotary Club, Virginia



New Market News picture


To see our newsletters, click on the month in the text boxes below and the newsletter will open up in the pdf file format which can be read with your Adobe Reader. If you have problems in seeing this file format, please send an email to the web administrator, whose email address is on the home Page.

Click on November to see the November 2008  Newsletter


Click on September to see the September 2008  Newsletter

Click on June/July to see the June/July 2008 Newsletter

Click on May to see the May 2008 Newsletter

Click on April to see the April 2008 Newsletter

Click on March to see the March 2008 newsletter

Click on February to see the February 2008 Newsletter .

Click on January to see the January 2008 Newsletter.

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